Hi, my name is
Arne Gellhaus.
I turn ideas into code.
I'm a software engineer specialized in building performant and complex web apps.

00. About Me

I'm a freelance software developer from Germany. I have over 20 years of experience in the industry. My strength is taking projects from idea to reality and overseeing the whole process. I enjoy working closely with the product team to find the best solution for the customer. I have a track record of working with cross-functional teams, leading and mentoring junior developers and delivering results on time and within budget.

When I'm not coding you'll find me on my bike or in the workshop doing woodworking.

I recently worked with these technologies
Programming Languages
▹ TypeScript
▹ JavaScript
▹ Scala
▹ Java
▹ Python
▹ React
▹ React DND
▹ TanStack Query
▹ Redux
▹ Angular
▹ Angular Material
▹ RxJS
▹ AgGrid
▹ Highcharts
▹ TailwindCSS
▹ PostgreSQL
▹ Git
▹ Docker
▹ Sentry
▹ Playwright
Other technologies I worked with over the years
▹ C#
▹ C
▹ C++
▹ Rust
▹ MySQL/MariaDB
▹ Microsoft SQL Server
▹ Redis
▹ Microsoft Dynamics NAV

01. Key Projects

LYNQTECH Cloud-Plattform for Energy Providers 2023 - now


As a front-end architect, I am responsible for overseeing the complete software development lifecycle. This encompasses tasks such as design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. I actively engage in understanding user requirements, crafting system architectures, coding, cooperate with cross-functional teams, and placing emphasis on scalability, quality and performance. By giving deep dive TypeScript trainings I helped the team to grow and increase the general code quality in the project. Through my code reviews, I support my colleagues in the practical application of the topics they have learned and help them to further deepen their knowledge.

Technologies: TypeScript, Angular, RxJS, NgRx, Loopback, AWS, PostgreSQL

Energy Management Web Application (E.ON Optimum) 2017 - 2022


As the lead engineer, I successfully created a B2B energy management application from scratch for E.ON with a team of 15 people for over 30,000 customers and over 100,000 connected energy meters. I worked closely with the customer and product team defining requirements and user stories. On the back-end I worked together with the other back-end engineers discussing technical solutions and designing APIs.

Technologies: TypeScript, Angular, RxJS, Leaflet, Highcharts, AgGrid, Scala, Cats, Play, Doobie, Circe, PostgreSQL

Knowledge Navigation System (Codiac Knowledge Engineering GmbH) 2022

KNS is a no code solution for automating business processes. I assisted the development team to convert the JavaScript codebase to TypeScript and update React to use functional components.

Technologies: TypeScript, React, Lexical, TanStack Query, Redux, React DND, Java, Play, PostgreSQL

Energy Data Completeness Monitoring System (AVU Netz GmbH) 2015 - 2017

Created a web app which combines the data from multiple energy management systems and creates interactive reports on the completeness of load profile data in these systems. This includes a ticket system for each data-point and the option to escalate to a work-force management system. The customer was able to reduce the work-load of the energy data team significantly, detect errors and apply traceability.

Technologies: JavaScript, AngularJS, Python, Django, Django REST Framework

Product Realisation Plan (Bögra Technologie GmbH) 2017

A work-flow system to assist the creation of offers across different departments. This includes a simple document management system and the synchronisation of master data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Technologies: JavaScript, AngularJS, Python, Django, Django REST Framework

ha-sip (Open Source) 2022 - now

ha-sip is an open-source Home Assistant add-on which lets you automate SIP (VoIP) calls. You can find more information on the GitHub page.

Technologies: Home-Assistant, Python, PJSIP

02. Contact Me

Whatever your technical or organizational challenge, let's talk!

You can contact me via email or get in touch on LinkedIn.